Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Things that amaze me...

Sometimes you just see stuff that demands a double take.
Here's a coupla snaps I've managed to steal in the last few weeks that show how diverse Cycling can prove to be.
Sure, we may have been to the moon, (by we I mean they, I myself have not been to the moon). But did Neil, Michael or Buzz rock the moon[boot] as emphatically as this gentleman has?

The City of 
Welcomes cyclists.

Where someone else loves your bike just that little bit more than you.

And I quite like this photo to finish. It's from Noosa, where some would say I recently 'holidayed' for 8 days, I prefer to say recently 'sweated' for 8 days.

I feel the effect would be complete if the seat were changed for a saddle, but what sort of a cafe offers a numb arse with your morning coffee and gets away with it?
Thanks for reading! 

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Happy New Year!

How good is this, even my New Year's post is late.

Wow, that last month of 2013 really threw me a doozy (is that how you spell Doozy? I'm not sure).
Hence my lack of posting.

How's everyone's 2014 so far? Mine's going great up in Noosa but this state really does kick up a stink in my pits. Armpits that is. I'm calling it my 'Queensland stink' and it aint pretty.

So anyway, in terms of cycling I've found someone up here training for a Triathlon, suffice to say, once he spoke these words the fly was mine. I quickly wrapped him up in my web-of-obsession and we now have a ride planned this weekend. Bike buddy: Check!
A quick call to Bike On in Noosa and my Trek 2.3 is arriving this Friday afternoon ready for a weekend of cycling bliss. Can I just say, Tracy from Bike On was an absolute darling. What a phone manner. Make that woman a nurse!

By the way, my New Years resolution? Become fluent in Spanish.
Some may say that's not cycling related but I plan to earn the nickname 'El Pistolero' by seasons end.

Image source

This does not mean I plan to hit the Clenbuterol...sorry, I mean dodgy meat...sorry, I mean bullshit excuses*.

*Of course in Mick Rogers' case it was dodgy meat. That man's a Saint. Just cause he's been associated with a disgraced doctor and currently rides with a man convicted of the same offence means nothing! Aussies don't cheat. Just ask Stuart O' wait. Don't.



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