Saturday, 13 July 2013


Just finished reading Life of Pi recently. What’s with everything I see looking like a tiger these days? Honestly, everywhere I turn I see Richard Parker. I now feel I should carry a whistle everywhere I go (in-joke for those that get it).
Spotted in the dense forest that is Burke st CBD.

Speaking of unintentionally sexualised animal statues, here’s one I saw on a ride up the ‘1 in 20’ the other day.
2 things about this statue concern me. 1) The size of that pouch and the size of that Joey simply don’t add up to deliver a comfortable outcome. The facial expression of the adult confirms this. Not half way there and the furrowed brow’s already set in, oh dear. 2) Why are there kangaroos on the moon?

"Stop, stop,stop, I've changed my mind."

Finally, from a hard sell in the pouch to an easy one on the bike. Gazman, you really know how to make an image sing. 

“Hey guys, check us out, we’re spritely forty year olds that enjoy swell lives riding cruiser bicycles next to the ocean. Thanks for making it possible Gazman.”

Just wishing this guy was
a father figure in my early years.
WHERE’S THE HELMET!? And where were the PO-lice on this photo shoot?* That’s taunting the law that is. And for what? To sell some collared shirts? No Gazman, cracked skulls don’t sell collars, they stain them, just as your posters do your reputation. Tsk tsk tsk.

*For the purpose of this post I’m going to assume the photo-shoot took place in Australia (where helmets are law) despite little to no chance of that actually being the case.


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